
Welcome to a journey into sexual healing techniques and body de-armouring led and held by De’an Matuka

De-Armouring Workshop

De-armouring with De-an Matuka. A Residential long weekend workshop in a lush private location.

You will be equipped with the knowledge and hands-on practice in releasing emotional and energetic traumas, tensions, blockages, and pain from the body in a healthy, loving and safe way.

Who is this retreat for:

We invite professional sexual healers, tantra masseuses, bodyworkers, tantra practitioners, and anyone else who wants to deepen their knowledge and skill in healing the body, relieving tension, releasing sexual trauma, and helping to restore sexual and life-force energy.

You need to arrive with a partner (can be a trusted friend), as the work we’ll do will be done in pairs and will involve touching and working with each others genitals.

You will be taught:
– A safe and responsible way of de-armouring a body.
– External and internal body work: whole body including
lingam, yoni, anus, throat
– Theory of of the practice.
– Ethics and responsibilities.
– Pressure points: where to touch, how & why.
– Space holding skills

We’ll offer you:
– Rich daily programme mixing learning, practicing and playing.
– Full length demonstration of each process we’ll teach.
– Yummy gourmet vegetarian food.
– Soft & sensual play party
– Beautiful venue with lush gardens


Location; Private house in East Sussex, UK

Investment; £360
(included; accommodation, food and workshop)






Videos introducing de-armouring:

De-armouring with De’an Matuka part 1

De-armouring with De’an Matuka part 2