Systemic Family Constellations

Systemic Family Constellations can help you  understand the real source of some of your difficulties in life and offer meaningful and lasting resolutions. Whereas individual psychotherapy focuses on the individual, systemic constellations focus on the whole system, whether that is our family, our workplace, or any other group we belong to. Alongside our personal history we also carry our familial, ancestral, and social history that affect how we lead our lives. Difficulties that have developed within our systems need to be addressed on a systemic level. We can not resolve them sufficiently through individual work.

Benefits of Systemic Family Constellations:

  • Bringing fresh insight to address, clarify and resolve issues that feel stuck.
  • Revealing hidden cross-generational patterns and dynamics that are affecting our lives.
  • Understanding the bigger picture of our family history.
  • Discovering healing movements.
  • Developing our ability to acknowledge and accept “what is”.
  • Growing our self-compassion.
  • Supporting us in growing from the blind love of a child to the mature love of a conscious human being.

Read more here or book your place here